Hedonic entertainment
Hedonic entertainment

hedonic entertainment

Because of the policy implications of these large-scale international assessments, governments are willing to spend large sums of money to see that these studies are carried out correctly. Interest among policy makers, educators, and the public in international comparative studies such as those sponsored by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) (see the Programme for International Student Achievement and better known as PISA), and the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) (see Trends in International Mathematics and Science Studies and better known as TIMSS), is also considerable.


Journals such as the European Journal of Psychological Assessment and the International Journal of Testing (see, e.g., the recent special issue on the topic of advances in test adaptation research, Gregoire & Hambleton, 2009) are full of articles either advancing the methodology for test translation and adaptation or describing initiatives to translate and adapt particular tests, especially popular intelligence, achievement, and personality tests. Cross-cultural research has become important in the fields of education and psychology, and articles addressing translation and adaptation over the past 30 years have increased by 350% (van de Vijver, 2009). Introduction The number of educational and psychological measures being translated and adapted into multiple languages and cultures is very much on the increase. A theoretical model is presented that integrates concepts of culture into media psychological scholarship on both a supra-individual macro-level (drawing on constructs such as individualism/collectivism, power distance, uncertainty avoidance) and an individual micro-level (drawing on constructs such as social identity, self-construals, values, and beliefs). Diaspora communication, inter-and cross-cultural communication, and international media markets research is dominated by communication theories and qualitative methods. The majority of this research is fragmented to the extent that separate approaches and findings of the two pillar disciplines of media psychology (psychology and communication) are not integrated: the social identity and acculturation literature approaches the relationship between culture, media uses/processes/effects from an exclusively psychological angle, using predominantly psychological theories and quantitative methods. This paper systematically reviews existing studies of the relationship between culture and media uses/processes/effects and identifies six fields of research: uses and gratifications, social identity, acculturation, diaspora communication, cross- and intercultural communication, and international media markets. Keywords Collectivistic and individualistic cultures, cultural commitment and exploration, eudai-monic and hedonic entertainment, independent and interdependent self-construalsĬulture is an important dimension to consider in media psychological scholarship, though to date little media psychological research exists that takes culture into account. The study is among the first to explore the impact of cultural variability on entertainment motivations and thus especially relevant for sparking up a new line of research. Cultural variables that tap into distinctiveness and separation from one's collective (individualism and independence) are significant predictors of eudaimonic entertainment. Results show consistently that variables of culture that tap into cultural belonging (collectivism, interdependence, and ethnic identity) are significant predictors of hedonic entertainment. Cross-level operator analyses were calculated to explore relationships between cultural variables and hedonic/eudaimonic entertainment motivations. A survey was carried out with international students and non-students in Germany and Turkey (N = 324).

hedonic entertainment

On the micro level of individuals, the study explores independent and interdependent self-construals and ethnic identity as potential influences on hedonic and eudaimonic entertainment. On the macro level of countries, the study draws of Hofstede's concept of individualism/collectivism. Culture is conceptualized on both macro-and micro levels of analysis. As most of this research was confined to the Western world so far, this contribution explores the impact of culture on hedonic and eudaimonic media entertainment motivations. Recent studies have juxtaposed hedonic forms of media entertainment motivations (seeking for pleasure and fun) with eudaimonic forms (seeking for insights into the human condition).

Hedonic entertainment